2018 conference: denver, co, "assuring program integrity in a changing environment
Monday, April 9th
Pre-Conference Institute 4 - Denver’s Social Impact Bond Initiative
Tuesday, April 10th
Workshop 100 - Intentional Design
Workshop 101 - Testing the Limits of HF Philosophy with Opioid Users - Section 1
Workshop 101 - Testing the Limits of HF Philosophy with Opioid Users - Section 2
Workshop 105 - Moving On-Moving Stable Tenants Forward and Increasing Opportunities - Section 1
Workshop 105 - Moving On-Moving Stable Tenants Forward and Increasing Opportunities - Section 2
Workshop 107 - Housing First Plus-Integrating Employment Services in Housing Programs
Workshop 108 - From the HEART-Housing First and Family Well-Being
Workshop 109 - Creating Housing First Culture in an SSVF (veteran-specific) Program
Workshop 110 - What We Have Here is a Revolution of the Heart
Workshop 111 - Maintaining Scattered Housing for Individuals Facing Barriers Beyond Housing
Workshop 112 - Housing First-Leading Through Racial Equity
Workshop 114 - Conducting Housing First Research Within Organizational and Systems Contexts
Workshop 115 - Impact of a Housing First Approach on perceptions of Self-determination
Workshop 117 - Creating a Housing First System-You can do it too
Workshop 119 - Homeless to Housed-Qualitative Analysis of Permanent Supportive Housing Cohorts
Workshop 120 - Housing First Healthcare Too - Coordinated Entry and Mental Health Providers
Workshop 121 - Outcomes From the Doorway Program, an Australian Housing First Program
Workshop 123 - The Hard Work to Bring Housing and Child Welfare Systems Together
Workshop 124 - Site Based Coordinated Care - Maximizing In-Home Care in Supportive Housing
Workshop 125 - Using Data to Support CES
Workshop 125 - Using Data to Support CES - HANDOUT 1
Workshop 125 - Using Data to Support CES - HANDOUT 2
Workshop 125 - Using Data to Support CES - HANDOUT 3
Workshop 129 - Resilience Skills Training With Homeless Veterans to Strengthen Protective Factors
Workshop 131 - Myth Busting Common and Persistent Misconceptions about Barriers to Housing
Workshop 133 - Innovative Strategies in Landlord Recruitment for Housing Programs
Workshop 134 - Housing First in Edmonton Alberta - A coordinated Systems Approach
Workshop 135 - Having Difficult Conversations
Workshop 141 - Substance Use and Social Networks after Moving into Supportive Housing
Workshop 147 - Training for Fidelity Taking Housing First to Scale in Charlotte NC
Workshop 148 - Negative Effects Hurdles in Telling the Housing First Story
Workshop 151 - Nursing Role(s) within Housing First Teams Promoting Community Integration
Workshop 152 - Back to Basics Correcting Program Drift in Housing First
Workshop 153 - Hand in Glove Housing First and Supported Employment
Workshop 156 - “Drug, Set, Setting” A Training tool Bridging Theory with Practice
Workshop 157 - We're in This Together Coordinated Care Enhances Housing First Interventions
Workshop 158 - Development and Testing of a Distance-Based Housing First Implementation Strategy
Workshop 159 - Building the Next Homeless Services System Trends, Challenges and Solutions
Workshop 164 - Implementation of a North Texas County's Coordinated Entry System
Workshop 165 - Engaging and Housing the Most Vulnerable Using an Integrated Team
Wednesday, April 11th
Workshop 202 - Denver HUD/VASH Housing is the Door to Recovery
Workshop 205 - Integrated Models for Treatment and Support
Workshop 206 - Housing First for Youth and Young Adults
Workshop 207 - Team-Based Approaches for Opioid Addicted Participants: Leveraging Your Role
Workshop 212 - Maintaining Traction in a Rebuilding System -Tips for Early Adopters
Workshop 215 - Walking the Walk Building Trauma Informed Housing First Organizations
Workshop 219 - Using Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) in a Harm Reduction Setting
Workshop 220 - Building Successful Housing First Teams Using a Change Management Approach
Workshop 220 - Building Successful Housing First Teams Using a Change Management Approach - HANDOUT
Workshop 221 - Housing First Innovative Practices of a Multidisciplinary Team
Workshop 224 - Encountering Ethical Decision Making in Housing First and Harm Reduction
Workshop 225 - Promising Evidence for Adapting Housing First for Domestic Violence Survivors
Workshop 227 - Pure Peer Power Using Peer Advocates to Achieve Resident Success
Workshop 228 - Effectiveness and Future Sustainability of Homeless Services - Section 1
Workshop 228 - Effectiveness and Future Sustainability of Homeless Services - Section 2
Workshop 231 - Stuck In The Middle Navigating the Demands and Responsibilities of Middle Management
Workshop 232 - Integrating Shelter Diversion
Workshop 234 - Reaching Functional Zero How Milwaukee County is ending chronic homelessness
Workshop 235 - On-site Management of Alcohol Withdrawal in a Supportive Housing Setting
Workshop 239 - Community, Organized Coalition Building for Housing First-oriented Systems
Workshop 240 - Under One Umbrella - The Housing In Place (HIP) Team
Workshop 241 - Trauma-informed Care in an Integrated Healthcare and Housing Provider
Workshop 242 - Navigating the World of Medicaid in Support of Housing First
Workshop 243 - Building Your Identity, Skills and Confidence as a Clinical Supervisor
Workshop 244 - Diversion for Families A Housing First Strategy
Workshop 244 - Diversion for Families A Housing First Strategy - HANDOUT 1
Workshop 244 - Diversion for Families A Housing First Strategy - HANDOUT 2
Workshop 248 - Intersectionality and Ending Homelessness for Women
Workshop 251 - Improving Practice With Housing First Populations A New Perspective
Workshop 252 - eeting the Needs of Survivors of Domestic Violence Housing First Approaches
Workshop 253 - What’s the Harm Applying Harm Reduction in Housing First Settings
Workshop 254 - Tiny Houses A Crisis Response to Homelessness
Workshop 255 - Creating a Comprehensive Service Delivery Model - From Police to Housing
Workshop 257 - Harm Reduction Practical Strategies to Support Participants with High-risk Behaviors
Workshop 258 - Using Evidence to Expand Housing Options for Vulnerable, Justice-Involved Populations
Workshop 261 - Employment and Housing First Square Peg in a Round Hole
Workshop 262 - Trauma Informed Care Housing First Through a Trauma Lens
Workshop 264 - After Making It Home: Procedures to Promote Housing Stability
Thursday, April 12th
Workshop 300 - Housing First in the Coordinated Entry System
Workshop 301 - Tiny Homes and Housing First Rethinking Cost, Community, and Control
Workshop 302 - Implementation Science for Evidence-based, Medically Necessary, Value-based Services
Workshop 306 - The Impact of Housing on Sexual Labor
Workshop 307 - Psychiatric Drugs A Harm Reduction, Peer-informed, Rights’ Based Approach
Workshop 308 - Beyond Training: Developing Proficiency in Motivational Interviewing
Workshop 308 - Beyond Training: Developing Proficiency in Motivational Interviewing - HANDOUT 1
Workshop 308 - Beyond Training: Developing Proficiency in Motivational Interviewing - HANDOUT 2
Workshop 310 - The Surge Model - Housing First for Elders Experiencing Chronic Homelessness
Workshop 311 - Stabilization Case Management and Community Integration in a Housing First Model
Workshop 313 - Making a Ham Sandwich Mental Health and Harm Reduction
Workshop 314 - Vetting the VI-SPDAT Use and Measurement Validity in Charlotte, NC
Workshop 315 - Indigenous Youth aging out of Care
Workshop 316 - Using Pay for Success Financing to Scale Housing First Programs
Workshop 317 - Beyond the Research - Using Data to Track Mission Effectiveness and Decision Making
Workshop 318 - Using a Housing First Harm Reduction in HIV Supportive Housing
Workshop 321 - ‘Housing First in Sydney – what works, what doesn’t- lessons to learn!’
Workshop 322 - Evidenced Based Supported Employment for Housing First Participants
Workshop 322 - Evidenced Based Supported Employment for Housing First Participants - HANDOUT
Workshop 324 - Managing Intoxication in Shared Spaces Approaches in Shelter and Housing
Workshop 326 - Building Positive Relationships Within the Community Through Partnerships
Workshop 327 - Housing as a Human Right
Workshop 327 - Housing as a Human Right - HANDOUT
Workshop 328 - How HF Leaders Deal with Dilemmas between Fidelity and Reality
Workshop 329 - Serving Domestic and Sexual Violence Survivors Who Are Homeless
Workshop 330 - Housing for Health Evaluation Shows Cost Savings